The 30th Napa Pain Conference
Share your research, clinical outcomes, quality improvement initiatives, practice improvements, or patient care strategies.
NPC’s industry-leading ePoster hall extends the reach of your work to an audience ten times larger than traditional posters.
All scientific abstracts are considered for:
- ePoster publication
- Virtual 3-5 minute video presentation
- In-person presentation
- Inclusion on Neurovations Education Hub
Due: July 1, 2023 by 11:59 PDT.

Content Areas

In-Person Presentations
August 19
Top-scoring abstracts will be invited to present their posters in-person at the Napa Pain Conference.
Accepted oral posters must have a presenting author registered for the Napa Pain Conference.
Abstract eBook Published
September 30
An eBook of all accepted abstracts and posters will be published online for the 6,000+ users of the Neurovations Education Hub.

Focused on Innovation
In 2015, Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Bruce A. Beutler (pictured left with Dr. Eric J. Grigsby) delivered the 3rd Annual Lindahl Lecture.
In 2011, Bruce A. Beutler, MD and Jules A. Hoffmann of Strasbourg University in France shared the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discoveries concerning the activation of innate immunity, the first step in the body’s immune response.